Aloe Vera is widely known for its many soothing and moisturizing properties and seemingly endless wellness benefits. For most people, this amazing succulent plant, loaded with antioxidants, enzymes, minerals, and vitamins, is often associated with sunburn relief. That’s because the soothing gel naturally hydrates, rejuvenates, and tones the skin. So much so that recent medical studies have shown positive results in using Aloe Vera for the appearance of wrinkles and anti-aging.
To aid in preventing wrinkles, it’s important to understand what causes them, and how Aloe Vera’s properties can work to improve the appearance of your skin.
What causes wrinkles in the first place?
The epidermis, i.e., your skin, is the largest organ of the body. Though genetics can play a significant role in skin texture and structure, one thing that cannot change is the natural aging process. It is an intrinsic part of life. In time, visible lines will form on the skin from aging. That said, intrinsic aging is one thing - skin wrinkles happen - but your environment and lifestyle choices can also have a significant impact on the appearance of your skin as well.
Sun-exposed skin is the single most significant factor in causing skin to wrinkle. UVA rays that penetrate the deepest layers of skin and the sunburns caused by UVB rays can prematurely wrinkle and age the skin and also increasing the risk of skin cancer. Avoiding peak hours of sun exposure - typically between 10 and 4 (and any amount of time in tanning beds) can help protect your skin and keep you looking young.

The gel found in the center of the Aloe Vera’s leaves helps support the overall health of skin. Its regular use can work to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines that show on skin after sun exposure as well as that occurs naturally with aging. Aloe gel is loaded with essential nutrients and vitamins such as A, C, and E that nourish and help revitalize skin and return a degree of elasticity to it.
The skin regeneration and soothing properties of Aloe Vera are also provided by its antioxidant and soothing properties. Bioactive compounds and constituents slow and arrest the appearance of aging skin. When thinking about how to preserve the appearance of smooth, healthy skin, it's not a bad idea to use Aloe Vera as early on in life as possible and make it part of your daily routine.
The effects of Aloe Vera on the skin have been the focus of many studies in recent years. One study by the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center showed reparation and regeneration of skin cells, i.e., a reduction in the appearance of wrinkles of the subjects in the study.
Another study from 2009 in the Annals of Dermatology, found that just 1200 mg/d, a 1/4 teaspoon, of pure Aloe Vera gel will significantly reverse the signs of aging skin within 3 months. The anti-aging properties of Aloe Vera gel helped reduce the appearance of wrinkles and improve skin elasticity while supporting collagen production, the basic structural component of your skin. The more collagen your skin produces, the fewer wrinkles, visible signs of aging, and saggy skin a person is likely to have.
Dietary Beyond topical application, the consumption of Aloe Vera is also an alternative way to improve the health of your skin. Rather than topically applying the gel as you would a lotion, take the recommended daily dosage of pure Aloe Vera juice or extract to help repair damaged skin and reverse signs of skin aging.

You can certainly still apply Aloe Vera Gels and Juices to your face regularly to nourish your skin with an infusion of nutrients. This will help support your skin’s supplies of elastin, collagen and other nutrients that deplete with sun exposure and aging.
To maximize results, it isn't a bad idea to support your skin inside and out with topical applications as well as Consuming Aloe Vera. It works best in coordination from the outside in and from the inside out in helping support sun exposed skin, decreasing the appearance of wrinkles, and helping visibly diminish the appearance of new ones - effectively slowing the signs of aging skin.
Aloe Vera for wrinkles and anti-aging does work - it helps support weathered skin and improves its elasticity through the production of collagen. Daily dietary consumption of Aloe Vera gel will help improve skin wellness and provide the anti-aging properties that result in smooth, healthy skin.