One of the most challenging skin problems you can face is oily skin. Oily skin has some unique challenges associated with it, for example, acne breakouts and a shiny complexion. But with the right products and skincare routine, you can help balance your skin and prevent it from becoming too oily, as well as the associated issues that go along with really oily skin.
Everyone has some amount of oil in their skin. Why? because under each pore is a sebaceous gland. These glands are called sebum, and they are what cause the natural oils in your skin. The purpose is to keep your skin healthy and hydrated and are a critical part of keeping your skin functioning.
What Makes Skin Oily?
There are various different factors that go into the degree of oil in your skin and why it may be oily. One could be genetics - oily skin can run in families. For example, you may have an overactive sebaceous gland if one of your parents does. Another reason is your age because you will produce less sebum as you become older. So one benefit of having oily skin is that you may not show your age the same way that other people with dry or normal skin do.
Where you live and the time of the year can also affect your skin. In a hot, dry climate, people tend to have oilier skin. If you live in a seasonal environment, then you're probably will have more oil showing on your skin in the summer heat than you would in the spring or fall.
While it’s doubtful you’d move because of the climate and its effect on the level of oil in your skin, it is something you need to adjust on seasonal basis to address and prevent oil levels from becoming too high or too low. Aloe Vitality Hydrating Toner and Aloe Oil Controlling Mask are both excellent at helping with oil control.

You may also have enlarged pores that stretch as you become older, previous breakouts, and even weight fluctuations. The larger the pore, the more oil it produces. You can’t shrink your pores, but you can blot your face where the oil is showing up.
As you may have personally experienced, using the wrong skin products intended to treat oily skin may actually cause more oil production rather than less. If you think you have combination skin, but have oily skin instead, you might be using a heavy facial cream. However, heavy creams frequently create a layer than cause even more oiliness. Aloe Vitality Hydrating Lotion, is an example of lightweight moisturizer that is designed is for all types of skin, including oily.
On the other hand, if you exfoliate or wash your face too much, that can cause your skin to overreact and produce even more oil. If you do this too often, then too much oil is removed from your skin. As a result, your sebaceous glands go into overdrive to make up for the loss. Aloe Vitality Hydrating Cleanser is gentle on your skin and won’t cause the kind of rebound oil production that can cause havoc for your skin.
Not using a moisturizer can actually dry your skin out. The key is to use a moisturizer that matches your skin type. So instead of not using a moisturizer or using a non-targeted moisturizer, you can also try Aloe Soothing & Moisturizing Essence. Essence products first became popular in Asia and offer a lightweight skin moisturizer ideally suited as a standalone product during the warm weather months and as a quick refresher or prior to applying a full moisturizer during other seasons to help soothe, moisturize, and nurture your skin.
How to Protect Your Skin
There are ways to protect your skin from damage. Drinking lots of water will keep your skin healthy. If your body lacks the hydration it needs, then your skin could produce more oil to make up for the lack of moisture. Plus, avoiding direct sunlight during the most intense times of the day and wearing sunscreen before going outside are highly recommended.
Always pat your face instead of rubbing it dry, and clean your makeup tools regularly.
Stick to Your Skin Care Routine for Oily Skin
When you follow a regular skincare routine, it can help with oily skin prevention. The first step is to cleanse your skin in the morning and in the evening every day. Aloe Brightening Facial Cleanser by ALODERMA is a great option for helping to restore the appearance of uneven skin tones and smooth fine lines.

Follow cleansing with a toner once your skin is free of dirt, oil, and makeup, such as Aloe Brightening Skin Toner. If you have skin prone to blemishes, the next step is to treat your skin to help curb oil production. Aloe Oil Controlling Mask helps control excess oil output on your skin.
Finally, be sure to use a moisturizer before putting on your foundation. Aloe Soothing & Moisturizing Lotion, Aloe Vitality Hydrating lotion, or Pure Aloe Vera Gel 200g are all great light-weight options for hydrating and moisturizing your skin.
Taking excellent care of your skin is the first step to oily skin prevention. ALODERMA products offer lots of options for those of you struggling with oily skin.